Monday, January 25, 2016


‘All I have is yours and all you have is mine, and in them I am glorified.  I am not in the world any longer, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you.  Holy Father, keep those you have given me true to your name, so that they be one like us’   Jn 17, 10-11

The news of Celeste’s beatification calls us to a renewed enthusiasm to share her message of God’s love and mercy for the world.   Our community has an opportunity to ‘share Jesus’ joy through our participation in God’s love.’  Florilegium 51. Colloquies V, 31     ‘By the union of hearts (charity) we come to possess by participation that divine perfection which is found in its essence in our heavenly Father. There the unity of charity makes God’s infinite perfections to be ours to the extent that our virtuous acts are performed by God in us and by us in God.’ Exercise of love for every day, 26 February

By the way we participate, handle the everyday highs and lows of life we strive to be ‘a visible witness and a living memorial of the Paschal Mystery of Redemption in which the Father has accomplished His plan of love through Christ and in the spirit.’ C&S 1

‘The more we strive to live the love of Christ, the more the thoughts and feelings of Christ will fill our spirit and our heart, the more we will become His faithful images.’  C&S 6

This is the way we glorify Jesus, and give thanks and praise to the Father and stay true to God’s name and incarnate God’s love to the world.

Let us use this new interest in Celeste as an opportunity to raise our voices in harmony in unity of hearts, helping each other, surrendering to the mystery and trusting in the future that we may become one voice, one community, one spirit of Christ in our world today.