We live our Redemptoristine spirituality full of hope
because ‘Hope is the power of Jesus Risen in us.’ (C&S 135) What that future will look like we don’t
know. But new life is hiding! Perhaps what we do with our lives will plant
new gospel seeds somewhere else that will take root and grow. In order to generate
new life new planting may be called for: new planting in the salvation history
of the people of God, new planting in the culture and the times in which we live,
new planting of the contemplative spirit within us calling us to ‘be a visible
witness and a living memorial of the Paschal Mystery of Redemption in which the
Father has accomplished His plan of love through Christ and in the spirit.’ (C&S1)
Jesus promised Celeste, therefore
us, that when we ‘leave everything in his hands all things will fall into place
for the best purpose! (So) with faith,
believe in him; with hope, keep your every good secure; and love only him, as
the Lord of your heart and as the Life in which you live!’ (Florilegium 101)
Throughout the seasons, throughout our life, we have offered to the Holy Redeemer our life of
praise and intercession by faith in the living Christ in response to the love
God has bestowed on us through the Son.
May the ‘Consoling Spirit who gathers us together help us live in unity’
(C&S 2) and continue to grow into the
fullness of life in our changing times.
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