For thy gracious blessings we give thanks, O Lord,
For thy loving kindness, we give thanks, O Lord.
For thy loving kindness, we give thanks, O Lord.
Celeste said, ‘I live, now not I,
but Christ lives in me’ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Beloved daughter, remember what the
divine Word, God-Man, said, namely that He would be with you to the end of
the world because He would be the food and nourishment of human beings,
indeed He would be their life in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.
In this instance My mercy has
not been able to go further in giving, because no greater gift can be given.
At this point hold yourself still in admiration as you contemplate the
countless good things you have received.
Christ instituted this Sacrament
immediately before His Passion at the cost of His Blood poured out for the
benefit of all. For them He would thus become their drink, their
nourishment, their life and substance.
Behold then where the salvation of the
just lies, behold the source where they receive all the lights and knowledge of
the eternal truths. There they are filled to full measure and overflowing from
the torrent of love where they become immersed in God and made able to
produce the most abundant fruits of every virtue, especially love for the
neighbor, because this Sacrament is love.
There they receive the Holy Spirit
with all His gifts because they are transformed into God by My beloved
Son. You see now, Daughter, what dignity this sacrament gives you, and how
My great Mercy is without bounds: there has been no restraint in My giving.
Hence your whole life should be a continual preparation for and thanksgiving for My Mercy. 74. Spiritual Exercises for December, med. 18
is all about food. What we put in our
mouths says a lot about us. What comes
out of our mouths says even more. As
Superioress in Foggia, Celeste would share almost daily her ‘ferverinos’ with
her community for their growth and edification the inspirations she received
from her Beloved. Most of her mystical
inspirations came either in the presence of, or after the reception of Holy
Communion – during the time of thanksgiving.
As you all know, the word Eucharist in Greek means thanksgiving. In one way or another, her writings were all
about thanksgiving. Her ‘ferverinos’ were like mobius strips – a circle never
ending, continually flowing in and out of itself: it goes around and around,
always coming back to trust and thanksgiving for God’s mercy and love. Like
Celeste, we are to make of our whole life a
sacrifice of praise to the glory of
the Father by responding the only way we can for all the ‘torrent of love and
mercy’ God has dignified us in being nourished by the sacrifice of His Beloved
Son by being transformed into a never ending Communion of Thanks and becoming
ourselves Living Eucharist for the world.
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Drawing Sr. M. Linda Magbiro, OSsR '12 |
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