gather today a week before Palm Sunday and Holy Week, the pinnacle of the
church year, to see what Celeste says about Love of the Cross. How could I not reflect on {our soon to be
Blessed} M. Celeste Crostarosa’s Love of the Cross since it is so fundamental to
her spirituality.
begins the section of the Rule on the Love of the Cross with the scripture
quote: "If
anyone wants to be a follower of mine, take up your cross every day and follow
me." Lk. 9:23
Celeste was a mystic and over the
length of her life she was in continual heart-to-heart dialogue with her
Redeemer. He said, “Listen to me on the
Cathedral of the Cross which I have placed in your heart so that I may live My
life in you. Make your will the echo of Mine:
if I should say to you ‘Cross,’ reply willingly, ‘Yes, cross,’ or if I say, ‘Kiss,’
reply, “Yes, kiss.’ ” Jesus continued,
“You are my friend and my delight;
therefore, I will keep you in my Kingdom of the Cross. I shall bring this about in such a way that it
will be for you both My cross and My peace.”
My response is, “Gee, thanks, Lord,
more crosses.” We don’t go looking for crosses; they are a part of life. It is how we handle these crosses that come
our way that make them redemptive. This reminded me of an animated movie some
of us saw recently, Inside Out, which explored in a very clever way how we need all our
emotions, especially ‘Joy’ and ‘Sadness’
in our lives. They balance our lives so
that we can cope with the realities of our life experiences. The cross helps to balance our lives.
We know this world with its crosses is
not heaven. However, we are not alone in
our suffering. In heaven God/Jesus, the
Blessed Virgin Mary and all those who have gone before us to the heavenly realm
weep to see the pain and struggles we endure. They understand. They are one with us. That is why we ask them to intercede for us to
God, the Father of mercy. And we
intercede to heaven for each other. Even
Jesus prayed for his disciples that “they
may be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be
in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. The glory which
You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are
one.” Jn 17:21-22
How is it possible that we are one with
God? Jesus “emptied himself (to become) human like one of us, obeying to the death,
death on a cross.” Phil 2: 7-8
As a human being he shared all our joys and sadnesses. Everything. And we are called to share in His life.
The bigger question is why? Why would God become Incarnate? Celeste
has the answer, “Jesus passed from the fragility of the flesh to the supreme
glory of the resurrection” and by the means of “His most precious death has
brought me (us) back to life!”
often speaks of self-abnegation, another one of those phrases that does not sit
well with modern thinking, but abnegation is a participation in the
self-emptying of Christ. The other side of Celeste’s coin of abnegation is
purity of heart which is a loving fixed gaze on Jesus who, from the beginning,
has gazed on us with such love. Love of
the cross is a totally positive virtue where we fix our gaze on the Crucified
and he gazes at us with such mercy. Thus,
Celeste’s spirituality is not a mere acceptance of the cross, but a positive
love of it.
Recently, I heard a sister give a
reflection that described to me the fixed gaze.
She said the word intimacy can mean ‘Into-Me-See:’ Jesus into–me-sees
and Jesus invites me to into-me-see Him.
References are from the
Associates Constitutions, The Mystic Who
Remembered by Fr. Oppitz, and the Florilegium
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