Monday, July 24, 2017


On August 1st  we celebrate the feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorists.   Blessed Maria Celeste Crostarosa, foundress of the Redemptoristine Nuns, had this vision concerning her friend:

Jesus Christ showed Himself to Celeste surrounded by the light of glory, accompanied by the seraphic St. Francis de Assisi and Don Alfonso de Liguori. Then the Lord said to her, "This soul is chosen as the head of My Institute.  It is he who will be the first superior of the Congregation of men for the salvation of souls." 
St. Alphonsus was a prolific writer and has been named a Doctor of Prayer.  Here are some nuggets mined for his feast day.

 “From starry skies descending, Thou comest, glorious King.”

 “Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with Him, familiarly and with confidence and love, as to the dearest and most loving of friends."

          "I love Jesus Christ, and that is why I am on fire with the desire to give Him souls; first of all my own, and then an incalculable number of others."

           "If we would completely rejoice the heart of God, let us strive to make God's will alone our will.”

“God loves you.  Believe in God, return and God will bring to you the joy of everlasting life.”

 “Be full of courage, be joyful!  Become saints and love Jesus Christ very much for He gave His life and blood for each one of you.”

Divina Pastora by St Alphonsus
“It is part of the love of God’s plan for us to acquire and nurture all the virtues which make one perfect.”    
“We are made in God’s likeness, and endowed with memory, intellect and will…so that we in turn might love God out of gratitude for so many gifts.”
“By giving us His Son, whom He did not spare, God bestowed on us at once every good: grace, love and heaven.” 

 “Immaculate and Most Holy Virgin, O most humble creature before God, you were chosen as His Mother therefore establishing you as Queen of heaven and of earth…She is a garden of delights, whose odors spread abroad and abound; that is, the gifts of graces. So that whatever good we have from God, we receive all by the intercession of Mary.”

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