Sunday, June 2, 2024

Blessed Celeste and Our Mother of Perpetual Help


Blessed Mother Maria Celeste Crostarosa, foundress of the Redemptoristine Order in 1731, had a deep devotion to our Lady and placed all her cares and concerns within Mary’s hands.

It is unlikely that Bl. M. Celeste ever saw or even heard of the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.  During her lifetime, the icon of Perpetual Help was enshrined in St. Matthew’s Church in Rome between the basilicas of St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran.  The church is now known as the Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori and our Lady’s icon is still enshrined there today.

In honor of the Blessed Mother, Bl. M. Celeste’s wrote,

“O my Lady and Mother, well can you say that all generations in heaven and on earth will call you blessed.  You are our only Hope, all nations will call you blessed; the angels and all the heavenly spirits look on you as their Queen, since you are the Mother of the great King; the just have recourse to you as to a Rock of strength and the Teacher of Virtues, safe Guide in this vale of tears, Gate of salvation; under your patronage sinners hurry to you to obtain pardon and protection… and all generations recognize you as Mediatrix and instrument of our Redemption.”   

Let us pray with confidence that Our Mother of Perpetual Help will hold in her hands all our intentions close to her heart.