Monday, February 25, 2013


Even now I find my joy in the suffering I endure for you.  In my own body I fill up what is lacking in the suffering of Jesus, for the sake of Christ’s body, the church.  I became its servant according to God’s commission to make the Word fully known, the mystery that has been hidden throughout the ages but has now been revealed to his holy ones: to make known the priceless glory which this mystery brings – the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory; to make everyone complete in our Savior.    See Col. 1: 24-28

Art by Moira
Today we celebrate the Incarnation in the midst of Lent. What do we know of Jesus in the flesh?

Jesus lived simply by the work of his hands: working with wood, carrying nothing for the journey as he walked throughout the land spreading the Good News while relying on the generosity of others, reaching out to those in need of healing, breaking bread to feed the hungry…

Jesus listened intently to the guiding voice of his parents, Mary and Joseph, the Voice from heaven saying, “You are my Beloved,” heeding the poor in the marketplace, conversing with the Father in prayer under the star-filled sky, responding to the distress of women, being astounded by the faith of outsiders…

Jesus loved freely gathering the children into his arms, cleansing the Temple, yearning to gather together the people under his wings like a mother protecting her brood, sharing the cup and bread of his Life with his disciples, on the ground praying in the Garden, stretching his arms out on the cross, lifting his hands in blessing while being carried up into heaven…

How are we as Redemptoristines, Associates and the people of God to enflesh Jesus?    

We are to live simply doing the work given us which provides a balance to our life of prayer, we are to distinguish our needs from our wants as we prepare for our move, humbly accepting the help of others, sharing with those in need…

We are to listen intently to the insight of each sister with an open and patience heart not being quick to judge or find flaw as we glean the collective wisdom of the community during this time of transition.

We are to love freely looking to one another’s needs, speaking the truth respectfully, praying and opening our hearts to the transforming power of the Spirit enabling us to put aside the self in order to clothe ourselves in Christ as we live out in ourselves the Paschal Mystery and coming together rejoicing in harmony with one another. 
All these grace-filled qualities are spelled out in our Constitutions, Celeste’s writings, the Gospels.  Lent is a time for rekindling the fire in our hearts to a deeper living of our call to be transformed into the Living Memory of Christ.  By using our gifts and strengths, and offering our losses and weaknesses, we give over our complete selves to the mystery of the work of salvation for the life of the world – just as Jesus did while he was in the flesh.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Art by Moira
       You spoke to my soul
in the flame of
       Your Infinite Charity
and set on fire
       within my breast,                
O my Beloved,
       the Living Flame of Your
       most Pure Love!

Celeste to Jesus: the Soul to the Spouse
Sixth Dialogue

   Happy St. Valentine’s Day!                                                            
May you be a living flame of love
         for all the world to see.

Create a pure heart for me, O God;
Renew a steadfast spirit within me. 
Ps. 51:12

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Polished Worry Stone

Rubbed Smooth
by Faith and Prayer

Glories in the Cross
                                                                     Moira 2013

Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had just risen, the women went to the tomb.  They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?”  
When they looked up they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled away.  Mk 16:2-4

Hear the worry in the women’s voices?  They say rubbing a worry stone calms the soul.  We all have our share of worries:  Hilda away from community caring for her aging parents, Paz with her sister awaiting brain surgery; the community searching to find a place to call our permanent home, sorting through real or imagined treasures of what to bring along and what to leave behind; the actual move; how we will function as Redemptoristines and Associates in the future…   How do we handle these worries? 

If we look to our foundress, we see that despite all the blessings bestowed on Celeste throughout her life, she had her worries also.  But reflecting on the life of her Beloved in faith and prayer she wrote, “In your humiliations all the sweetnesses of your infinite glory are hidden.   How can I ever thank you for these marvelous humiliations while you invite me to keep you company
(on the cross) and you in your mercy deign to gaze on me with your divine light.”   
Flor. 117

And Jesus answers, “Give your attention to the treasure which I disclosed to you on the cross in which my eternal glory is enclosed.” Flor. 123   

What is this treasure?  All our trials, humiliations, our frailties, our challenges; all our mundane tasks are hidden treasures.   By our own faith and prayer during this time of transition together we experience transformation of being rubbed smooth when we unite ourselves to Jesus on the cross and discover the graces and gifts, the wisdom and accomplishments in sweet acceptance of those hidden graces of the cross in order to obtain the glories of Jesus, our Beloved.  The stone has already been rolled away!

Let us polish our worry stones (rosary, or even a paper clip in your pocket) then, basking calmly in the merciful gaze of Christ’s divine light as we begin this Lenten season.             
Ash Wednesday 2013